Elezione del nuovo Presidium di IYNF

Durante la General Assembly di domenica scorsa è stato eletto il nuovo Presidium di IYNF, che sarà in carica per i prossimi due anni.
La nostra Paria è stata eletta co-presidentessa insieme a Lisa Hoffmann. Queste le sue parole:
“I am honored to be elected president of IYNF – International Young Naturefriends – together, shoulder by shoulder, Lisa Hoffman. I believe this can be an immense opportunity and responsibility, and I would like to thank all our member organizations to have put trust in this process by choosing me as their president. I would like to emphasis that my long vision will stay the same, as my recent vice-presidency, to keep bring visibility to our MOs by promoting, and helping them realize their local activities.
I hope, I will have the capacity and courage, to fight for naturefriend’s values, that are 125 years old but can still be defeated and protected.
Protecting nature, through social and political justice. To promote recruiting youth that can be the change we want to see in the world.
I will be asking, for peer collaboration, with our MOs to understand them, and to learn from each other, to be able to promote nature friends all over and to strongly express our voice together, once more.

Berg Frei.”

( https://www.instagram.com/p/CDri4ycgb1B/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet )

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